When you start swimming, your body will react to you in a way that surprises you, no matter how long you haven't been swimming or how recently you started. Let's see what happens!
Swimming starts to put your body in a stressful state after a day of swimming, when the body has an emergency response that is good for the brain. The blood flow from the body to the brain increases, making you more energetic, alert and awake. As adrenaline is released it will make you more energetic and your pain perception will decrease, making you smarter. If you do some strength training, the ability of muscles to capture and store glucose will increase, if you are Diabetic or latent diabetes this is absolutely great but after a day or two you will have some soreness and stiffness in your body.
You did something you don't usually do, the body has a repair process, and some inflammation is normal and healthy during the process of healing
Our bodies are very adaptable. After two or three days of exercise, you will be able to do it at a higher level without experiencing pain.
At the same time, the body will immediately begin to mobilize fat stores and begin the fat loss process you love...
Swimming for a week
After a few cardio workouts, mitochondria in cells begin to increase
The mitochondria are the energy factories in your cells, making you healthier so you can produce more energy
Furthermore, it keeps cells elastic, which keeps them healthy for longer, and increases the production of enzymes that fuel muscle contractions
After a month of swimming, after two weeks to four weeks of strength training, you will noticeably improve, and there will be visible changes in muscle growth. If you look at the muscle cells under a microscope, you can see that slow and fast muscle fibers are getting bigger, This means you need to add a lot of protein to your muscles, and your metabolism starts to increase, which means you can burn more energy while you're asleep and start realizing that your days are getting easier day by day.

After half a year of swimming, the muscle lines are more obvious and more practical, which means that your endurance has also increased and the size of the heart has actually increased. Your resting heart rate will also be lower, which means your heart is beating very hard, and you're pumping a lot of blood with each contraction, so you don't need to contract as often.
As a result, your risk of having a heart attack is lower, even if you have a heart attack, you're less damaged, and you're more likely to recover faster